437 research outputs found

    On a fourth order nonlinear Helmholtz equation

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    In this paper, we study the mixed dispersion fourth order nonlinear Helmholtz equation Δ2u−ÎČΔu+αu=Γ∣u∣p−2u\Delta^2 u -\beta \Delta u + \alpha u= \Gamma|u|^{p-2} u in RN\mathbb R^N for positive, bounded and ZN\mathbb Z^N-periodic functions Γ\Gamma. Using the dual method of Evequoz and Weth, we find solutions to this equation and establish some of their qualitative properties

    The logarithmic Choquard equation: sharp asymptotics and nondegeneracy of the groundstate

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    We derive the asymptotic decay of the unique positive, radially symmetric solution to the logarithmic Choquard equation and we establish its nondegeneracy. For the corresponding three-dimensional problem, the nondegeneracy property of the positive ground state to the Choquard equation was proved by E. Lenzmann (2009)

    Equilibrium measures and equilibrium potentials in the Born-Infeld model

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    In this paper, we consider the electrostatic Born-Infeld model \begin{equation*} \tag{BI\mathcal{BI}} \left\{ \begin{array}{rcll} -\operatorname{div}\left(\displaystyle\frac{\nabla \phi}{\sqrt{1-|\nabla \phi|^2}}\right)&=& \rho & \hbox{in }\mathbb{R}^N, \\[6mm] \displaystyle\lim_{|x|\to \infty}\phi(x)&=& 0 \end{array} \right. \end{equation*} where ρ\rho is a charge distribution on the boundary of a bounded domain Ω⊂RN\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N. We are interested in its equilibrium measures, i.e. charge distributions which minimize the electrostatic energy of the corresponding potential among all possible distributions with fixed total charge. We prove existence of equilibrium measures and we show that the corresponding equilibrium potential is unique and constant in Ω‟\overline \Omega. Furthermore, for smooth domains, we obtain the uniqueness of the equilibrium measure, we give its precise expression, and we verify that the equilibrium potential solves BI\mathcal{BI}. Finally we characterize balls in RN\mathbb{R}^N as the unique sets among all bounded C2,αC^{2,\alpha}-domains Ω\Omega for which the equilibrium distribution is a constant multiple of the surface measure on ∂Ω\partial \Omega. The same results are obtained also for Taylor approximations of the electrostatic energy

    Existence of positive solutions of a superlinear boundary value problem with indefinite weight

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    We deal with the existence of positive solutions for a two-point boundary value problem associated with the nonlinear second order equation uâ€Čâ€Č+a(x)g(u)=0u''+a(x)g(u)=0. The weight a(x)a(x) is allowed to change its sign. We assume that the function g ⁣:[0,+∞[→Rg\colon\mathopen{[}0,+\infty\mathclose{[}\to\mathbb{R} is continuous, g(0)=0g(0)=0 and satisfies suitable growth conditions, so as the case g(s)=spg(s)=s^{p}, with p>1p>1, is covered. In particular we suppose that g(s)/sg(s)/s is large near infinity, but we do not require that g(s)g(s) is non-negative in a neighborhood of zero. Using a topological approach based on the Leray-Schauder degree we obtain a result of existence of at least a positive solution that improves previous existence theorems.Comment: 12 pages, 4 PNG figure

    Resonance of isochronous oscillators

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    An oscillator such that all motions have the same minimal period is called isochronous. When the isochronous is forced by a time-dependent perturbation with the same natural frequency as the oscillator the phenomenon of resonance can appear. This fact is well understood for the harmonic oscillator and we extend it to the nonlinear scenario

    A concentration phenomenon for semilinear elliptic equations

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    For a domain \Omega\subset\dR^N we consider the equation -\Delta u + V(x)u = Q_n(x)\abs{u}^{p-2}u with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions and p∈(2,2∗)p\in(2,2^*). Here V≄0V\ge 0 and QnQ_n are bounded functions that are positive in a region contained in Ω\Omega and negative outside, and such that the sets {Qn>0}\{Q_n>0\} shrink to a point x0∈Ωx_0\in\Omega as n→∞n\to\infty. We show that if unu_n is a nontrivial solution corresponding to QnQ_n, then the sequence (un)(u_n) concentrates at x0x_0 with respect to the H1H^1 and certain LqL^q-norms. We also show that if the sets {Qn>0}\{Q_n>0\} shrink to two points and unu_n are ground state solutions, then they concentrate at one of these points

    Stationary solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with fast-decay potentials concentrating around local maxima

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    We study positive bound states for the equation −ϔ2Δu+Vu=up,in RN,- \epsilon^2 \Delta u + Vu = u^p, \qquad \text{in $\mathbf{R}^N$}, where Ï”>0\epsilon > 0 is a real parameter, NN−2<p<N+2N−2\frac{N}{N-2} < p < \frac{N+2}{N-2} and VV is a nonnegative potential. Using purely variational techniques, we find solutions which concentrate at local maxima of the potential VV without any restriction on the potential.Comment: 25 pages, reformatted the abstract for MathJa

    Quantitative symmetry breaking of groundstates for a class of weighted Emden–Fowler equations

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    We prove that symmetrybreaking occurs in dimensions N ≄ 3 for the groundstate solutions to a class of Emden-Fowler equa-tions on the unit ball, with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We show that this phenomenon occurs forlarge values of a certain exponent for a radial weight function appearing in the equation. The problemreads as a possibly large perturbation of the classical H ́enon equation. In particular we consider aweight function having a spherical shell of zeroes centred at the origin and of radius R. A quantitativecondition on R for this phenomenon to occur is given by means of universal constants, such as thebest constant for the subcritical Sobolev embedding
